Aaron Levine, PhD, MPhil |
[1] Ryan KA, Sanders AN, Wang DD, Levine AD. Tracking the rise of stem cell tourism. Regen Med 2010;5(1):27-33.
[2] Levine AD, Wolf LE. The Roles and Responsibilities of Physicians in Patients’ Decisions about Unproven Stem Cell Therapies. J Law Med Ethics 2012;40(1):122-134.
[3] Dodson BP, Levine AD. Challenges in the translation and commercialization of cell therapies. BMC Biotechnol 2015;15:70.
[4] Imbach KJ,Patel A, Levine AD. Ethical considerations in the translation of CAR-T cell therapies. Cell & Gene Ther. Insights 2018;4(4): 297-309.
[4] Ho LD, Oso SO, Levine AD. Medical crowdfunding to access CAR T-cell therapy. Lancet Oncol 2019;20(8):1062-1064.
[5] Turner L, Munsie M, Levine AD, Ikonomou L. Ethical issues and public communication in the development of cell-based treatments for COVID-19: Lessons from the pandemic. |